blonk accepts

Blonk took a few deep breaths and steeled himself against the world. He was used to doing this every so often, when things started to get the best of him. He pressed his fingers into his stomach, and enjoyed the feel of his soft, warm flesh. A grounding exercise.

Blonk felt his personhood was as fleeting as the sand, but he had no time for the whimsical fancies of mind/body duality. As far as he was concerned, he was what his body was. His body was not just a vessel, but his own purest self. A mind, thought Blonk, cannot be removed from a body, and a body cannot be removed from a mind. Not really. They are one. He didn’t like to think of his body as a boat he was sailing in. His juiced arms and wilted legs were him, just as much as his thoughts on appendages, different types of metals, and local implementations of pedestrianisation, were him too. It was all him. This gorgeous being. This too-thick heart, beating like a trumpet in the cool air.

Blonk tramped forward, feeling the sand compress under his feet. He accepted that views on the mind and the body must be varied, even if those views were a trick - a distraction from what truly mattered: finding the Gem of Intrigue.

Blonk sighed softly as the curtain of silence began to fall. Sunset in the white desert again. Blonk could do worse.

to blonk continued...

What should Blonk do?