blonk cries

Blonk broke down in tears, and let them pool beautiful at his feel in the sand. There, he thought. My own oasis.

Filled at last with the great sense of his own power to reframe his thought, he steeled himself and began walking. He went on, stronger than ever, knowing that at any time he liked, he could let out a little tear or two - let it roll down his cheek and then, finally, hit the hot ground.

With this odd, perverse strength, he traversed the dunes for hours. When night fell, the cold crept in, but then, finally, a light began to be visible on the horizon. The unmistakable twin curves of a McDonalds M. It was waiting for him, like an exploding star, still in time.

He reached it swiftly. He ordered a 20 piece box of McNuggets. He was safe.

Blue WordArt text that reads: 'the end.'
start again