unvisited link, visited link Head of a Leonberger (c.1880–c.1892) by Otto Eerelman. Location: The Rijksmuseum.
The Game Boy Camera was a special little guy. One big, bulbous eye looking down at you, and one little screen with a dancing Mario. That’s all it took to drive me wild with passion and energy back in the hallowed days of 1998-2002. Those accursed, strange, gorgeous years.
Now though, my passion for the tiny images has not receded. It has only grown with time. So now, I present to you, my photography.
Please clap.

More info about the Game Boy Camera
(I know you crave this):
There are basically four distinct versions of the Game Boy Camera. First is the standard version. That boy is PURPLE (in Japan). Lovely. The Japanese and international versions contain different unlockable frames, so there’s your first and second versions. The Japanese one is called “Pocket Camera”. Cute.
Then, you have the special GOLD Game Boy Camera. This one was US-exclusive, limited to 1000 game carts, and had LINK STAMPS (whoa, oh my goodness, that’s Linky from Zelda!)
Finally, discovered only recently in 2022, is the HELLO KITTY POCKET CAMERA. This one, unlike the others, has a different UI. It’s Hello Kitty all the way down. And it rocks.
Here's a gif: